DNA and Fingerprint Evidence & Identification
Course(1.5 CE hrs) The foundational basics of why DNA and Fingerprint Evidence & Identification can be important to your case, and how to obtain the information. This is about the investigative importance of non-forensic (and semi-forensic) data.
Cell Phone Basics for Legal Investigations
Course(1.5 CE hours) This covers the foundational basics of why cell phone activity can be important to your case, and how to obtain the information. This is about the investigative importance of non-forensic (and semi-forensic) data.
Investigator Ethics for the PI, Consumer and Client
Course(1.0 CE) This covers the importance of Investigator Ethics for the PI, Consumer and Client relationships. Includes licensing & permitted purposes, and both lawful & ethical activity. In this training component, we discuss all four and how they apply.
Private Investigator Standards and Ethics
Course(1.0 CE) This covers the importance of PI Standards & Ethics. Including licensing and permitted purposes, business practices, client relationships, and both lawful and ethical activity - and how they come together as Professional Investigators.
Time Is Money
Course(1.75 hrs CE) For the busy sole-proprietor investigator. Learn non-traditional and outside-the-box sources, develop strategies to charge and earn your value, strategies and resources, better communication tips and resources, and rein social media.